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F1 out of status!! - 未名空间精华区
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F1 out of status!!

发信人: DeaDEyE (代代爱), 信区: Visa
标 题: Re: Urgent help for F1 out of status!!!
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Fri Jul 30 15:41:10 2004), 站内信件

问题在于,如果你在美国国内reinstatement, 据说现在移民局基本上都会直接拒绝
被学校告知out of status, 它的5年签证已经过期,也不敢回香港办
1. 去TJ办签证,重新入境, 入境时记得一定要在你那张写明目的是"resinstatement"的
i20上盖入境章,并给你一张新的i94. 这样一来,你就安全了, 风险是TJ现在很可能看到你�
�""reinstatement"而直接拒了你. 因为在TJ签证的前提是不能out of status.
2. 请律师.才有的律师在移民局或边界移民局有人,直接把你的I20递交上去盖章就好了.
不过他们可能收费不便宜. 我的这个朋友就选择了后一种, 律师陪她去的美墨边境,律师
让她美国这边等,他去找他在边境的朋友,然后顺利盖了章. 据说一共收了她$3000.
【 在 smb (none) 的大作中提到: 】
: I got visa in TJ in Jan, then go back to china to get married, at that time I
: don't plan to go back to US since it's just a certificatd program, so I didn't
: finish classes I registered in Jan of winter quarter, and fail to register for
: spring quarter.but in April I got the admission from a Phd progam in B-school,
: then I went back to US with my old I-20 on July 8th. Ridiciously, the
: immigration officer at custom even let me in becaust at that time I've already
: been out of status, but I don't know then by myself until when I went to the
: international center of my old school to process transfer, they told me I am
: out of status, now I am in my new school. the international advisor in my new
: school told me that I have to file the reinstatement or travel again to get
: new visa with annotation of new school and reenter into US to get my status,
: without status, I can register courses, but no financial aid. Now it's a
: dilema for me, if I travel, there is risk for me to get visa and status, if I
: stay in US to file the reinstatement, it will take long time , about several
: months, then I will miss my first semester class.So I am just asking here
: anybody have such expericences before? I do need your help!!! Thanks a
: lot!!!!Should I travel or stay in US to file the reinstatement, and which
: method is more likely to get status again! I've reserve visa application in TJ
: on 8/17. or anyone know any law office has experience of dealing with such
: cases?
: thanks very very much!!!!!


※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间 mitbbs.com.[FROM: 24.205.]


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